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Bethel Lutheran Church

Sunday Mornings:

We gather for worship
at 8:30 am in Arcadia and
at 10:30 am in Galesville.

(scroll down for maps)

After the service, you are invited to stay for refreshments
and friendly conversation.

The third service of the
weekend is offered on
Monday Evenings at
6:30 pm in Arcadia.

A smaller number attend on Mondays; you might like that type of setting.

How can we help?
Ask us anything!
Pastor Cox is happy to serve you.
Please provide your contact info.

We invite you to worship with us during this Lenten Season.

Worship in Lent:

Thursday, March 13
at 5:30 PM in Galesville

Thursday, March 20
at 5:30 PM in Arcadia

Thursday, March 27
at 5:30 PM in Galesville

Thursday, April 3
at 5:30 PM in Arcadia

Thursday, April 10
at 5:30 PM in Galesville

Sunday School at Bethel:

In Arcadia - class is for children in 4K-3rd grade. It meets every other week during our fellowship time immediately after the 8:30 service.

In Galesville - class is for children of any age. It meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month during our 10:30 service.

Both groups learn about Bible History to know our Savior God better.

Confirmation Class at Bethel:

Class is for students from 6th through 8th grades. It meets every Wednesday.
In Arcadia - from 3:30-5:00 PM
In Galesville - from 5:30-7:00 PM

These classes study various Bible passages in order to know what God teaches us to believe for life and salvation. To enroll in this class, please contact Pastor Cox.
Call (608) 582-9998.

The Sonlight

Bethel News & Calendar

"Bethel Lutheran is one congregation with two locations.

You might think this leads to a sense of distance in our relationships. Not true!

Bethel enjoys a genuine friendliness that visitors love!

The Sonlight is one way we keep informed together. Each month, this colorful read offers updates about activities and groups as well as personal reminders of family events, devotional lessons, and synod news.

You can read the latest edition of the Bethel "Sonlight" by clicking HERE."

Feel free to contact me:
email: jon.nathan.cox@gmail.com
cell: 608.582.9998
- Pastor Jon Cox